
My name is Dylan and this is my blog. This is where I'll put all those things that I think, but don't get to put down in articles elsewhere. Maybe you'll read something about my quest to dress like an adult, or maybe something about a particularly good taco I ate.

Entries in Alterations (1)


Now I am a Man

The suit makes the man. And I am one steep closer to suiting-up all the time. With my one day off this week I finally took my suit (from my previous post) to the tailors. Over all it was a great experience. The woman was a peach and very intelligent about fabric. I knew it was the place for me when a couple walked in as she was pinning my trousers. She gave them a glance and asked "So, when's the wedding? May?"

Wearing the whole suit, I felt like a little boy wearing his fathers clothes. The damn thing is so big. But after she pinned it all together it started to look normal, and if I do say so myself, pretty good.

Each individual pricing seemed reasonable, but since the suit needed so much work it added up quickly. I hesitated a little, but it's still cheaper than getting a new suit.