
My name is Dylan and this is my blog. This is where I'll put all those things that I think, but don't get to put down in articles elsewhere. Maybe you'll read something about my quest to dress like an adult, or maybe something about a particularly good taco I ate.

Entries in Squarespace (1)


Blogging on the Go

I just downloaded the Squarespace app for my droid phone. (Another great thing about having this thing in my pocket, I become one of those dicks who blogs at the bar) For the most part it's really great. I can check my views. I can write knew posts wherever I want. I can do other things that mean something. But my one gripe, and really the only reason I would use this app with any regularity if it worked correctly, you can't resize the photos or add captions. I'd like to take pictures and post lame and snarky comments. It's what makes the internet go round. I tried it on the beta and it didn't work so I am assuming it wont work right again. If I had it my way this blurry picture of nothing important would be the right size and say something stupid underneath it. But I fear neither will happen. Here it goes...